The Gray Divorce
Today, divorce rates amongst people ages 50+ are higher than divorce rates amongst millennials. Divorce after 50, otherwise known as the gray divorce, have the highest divorce rate out of any…
Today, divorce rates amongst people ages 50+ are higher than divorce rates amongst millennials. Divorce after 50, otherwise known as the gray divorce, have the highest divorce rate out of any…
Being a parent comes along with certain rolls and responsibilities. These do not end simply because a relationship does. Child support is one of these roles and responsibilities. Typically, child support…
All parents have a duty to support their children financially and this obligation does not end when a marriage ends. As such, child support is a key element of any separation agreement…
Child custody orders have some degree of permanence about them when issued by the Nebraska courts – but they can be modified if circumstances warrant it and should not be considered “final”.…
If you’ve made the decision to divorce, you may have already considered some of the practicalities involved. It is important to be as prepared and organized as possible during the process so…
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